Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spotlight On: FreeRice

Help end world hunger

FreeRice http://www.freerice.com/ is a non-profit organization/website run by the United Nations World Food Program which was setup by the United Nations Organization to provide emergency relief for the hungriest people on the planet.

The website runs with the help and generous contributions of sponsors, who are featured at the bottom of the website if you care to find out further about them, and also with the generous help of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

The website features a great way to gain knowledge, while at the same time contributing to end world hunger. Initially you could only answer questions in the subject of "English Vocabulary" but now they have added various subjects, which you can change during the quiz/game as you please, such as Languages, Math, Geography, Art & Chemistry.

For every correct answer (in any subject) to the questions on the site, they donate 10 grains of rice on your behalf. 10 correct answers = 100 grains of rice and so forth, which means the more you play, the more grains of rice you donate. Now, keep in mind that a 100 grains of rice is approximately half a teaspoon (approximation due to the fact that there are various kinds of rice and they vary in weight/length), and a tablespoon = 3 teaspoons which comes down to 600 grains of rice. You need anywhere between 7,000 to 9,000 grains, in order to donate a cup of rice. I suggest you read the FAQ section at the top of the page, it provides the answers to a lot of question that inquisitive minds have.

Do NOT be disheartened, I did not write this in order to make donating a cup of rice seem like a Herculean feat. I am just trying to make sure that you know the facts so that with every cup of rice you donate, you can feel that much more proud of yourself! :) Trust me, when you begin playing on this site, within 10 minutes you will have donated somewhere between 300-500 grains, so just do what you can and as much as you can. The efforts of people like you and me have already translated into WFP food rations for over 20,000 Myanmar refugees, currently living in Bangladesh. Pregnant women in Cambodia, school children in Uganda, and Bhutanese refugees in Nepal are also receiving rice thanks to the award-winning site. Plus, if I can do it, you definitely can too! :)

I find this site truly remarkable, for not only does it provide a way for you to gain knowledge on various subjects & exercise your cognitive abilities (for free), it also provides a great service by donating free rice to help alleviate world hunger!

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